Finally, after months of chronic sinusitis, I'm getting a CT scan on Thursday. Hopefully it'll be nothing too serious, and they'll find the cause of the painful problem. My specialist suspects a blockage, and if so, it will be just day surgery, and I'm back to work the next day. Cross your fingers on Thursday!
Here's part of Sophie's blanket, and the wonderful stitch markers I bought from Charles". He's been selling these as fundraiser for the AIDS LifeCycle, and there are still some available if you're interested.
This weekend is my birthday and here's what I asked hubby for: a visit to an alpaca farm. I just can't wait! It's gonna be so exciting to see these little faces, and be able to pet them (or at least I hope so). I also can't wait to see the yarn that will be available. I can smell stach enhancement in the air!