Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A must read post...

While blog surfing today, I came across this gem of a post.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Another felting attempt...

I wasn't expecting much from this project, as I knew the recipient would definitely not be critical. I just made a large rectangle, and then picked up stitches all around it with a circular needle. I knitted for about six inches, and then started decreasing (quite unevenly on some rows, I might add). Finally, it ended looking like this...

Since it was knitted with 100% wool ( Lopi), I decided to throw it in the washer in hot water for a spin. Boy did that thing ever shed! Big lumps of hair everywhere in the washer and on it too. I had to remove the hair bits before giving it to Lizzie. It didn't shrink by much either. Oh well, just another felting experiment, and as long as Lizzie is happy, I'm happy. Doesn't she look happy?

This coming week, I'm planning on finishing as many unfinished projects as possible. Yup, that's right. I have way too many of those hanging around the house. Besides, some of those projects are Christmas gifts, and there's not much time left before Christmas.

Monday, September 01, 2008

First attempt at felting

Although this is not a new project (I finished knitting it last December), I finally completed it this week. What was meant to be a Nintendo DS case, and be a rectangonal shape that closes at the side....ended up looking quite the opposite...
It was knitted with KnitPick's Palette yarn (100% wool), and I put in in the washer in hot water for one cycle. I didn't expect the ribbing to come out so flat (mind you, I had never felted before so I really had no idea how it would come out) and make it so wide. The other thing I didn't expect either was that the lenght would shrink so much (it was knitted with larger needles that was called for, so I was expecting some shrinkage but not that much). I guess a test swatch would have helped. Knit and learn...