Sunday, September 23, 2007

And it's done

Well after my fifth time frogging the one sock, there it is, the completed pair modeled by my sister. In a previous post, I had mistakenly mentioned the colour as Angels, but it's actually Libertine (quite a difference in terms, sorry if I offended any angels or libertines!).
In other knitterly news, I have started a sweater for my Mom. We were discussing projects we had knitted in the past, and she mentionned that sweater. She remembered it was quite comfortable, but unfortunately it is now a bit too short around the waist area. Luckily, I had some cotton waiting to be knitted into something.


dickie said...

Wow! Frogged 5 times? I can barely even frog something once... I just finish and hope it fits someone. ^_^ Looks great though!

Lacefreak said...

Wonderful socks even though it sounds like they were a real challenge to get done! They look like they fit really well too. Great Job!