Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New pairs of socks

A few weeks ago, an old "friend" decided to show up uninvited: arthritis. My hands and feet were all puffy, stiff and painful. After a visit to my family doctor, I was back on anti-inflamatory after a twelve year break. After a week on it, I was less swollen, feeling better but still had some pain. He told me about this new painkiller on the market that seems to be exactly what I needed. I would be his first patient to use it, and he seemed quite confident it would help me. He was right, Ralivia took care of the pain, and now I'm off the anti-inflamatories. This drug is as precise as a swiss watch. It's a slow release for 24 hours, and it's painkilling effects wear off in almost exactly 24 hours. Anyways, all of that to say if your current arthritis treatment no longer satisfies you, there are new treatments available.

Now that I'm knitting again, I finished two pairs of socks, and both are for myself. They're both made with Applelaine yarn, which knits up (and washes) so wonderfully. I've had great comments from the people who received my Applelaine socks this Christmas.
This first pair is "Purple Haze", and for some reason seems a bit darker on this picture than it actually is. The colour is more of a lavendar tone. I've also put the sock on an antique sock stretcher I found in Mont St-Hilaire this summer. I always thought that my feet were small but the stretcher is smaller than the sock.

The second pair is in "Cotton Candy" and the colour name served as my inspiration. I could just see the sugar crystals forming in the cotton candy, and then from candy I thought of candy wrappers. So off I went cabling alternating candy wrappers. I'm content of the results, but I should have knitted a few stockinette rows in between the top row and the second row of candy wrappers. The candy wrappers would be more visible, as they now seem to meet and twist sohewhat.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

You make my day!

I have received a "You make my day" award from KB. That's pretty cool, thanks KB!

The rules of the award are : Give the award to 10 people (or more) whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times.

I give the award to Bamboo Sticks , Charles, Jason Knits, Lacefreak, Cashmere Blend (I hope he's fine, he hasn't posted for a while), Crimini Jickets , Roadside (this might get him to post again), Wanietta. I know this award has been around for a bit now, so I won't be offended if you don't distribute it to ten other people (as you may have noticed, I didn't).

Thursday, February 07, 2008

What's a knitter to do?

What's a knitter to do when she's stuck on a highway and hardly moving because of this mess ahead?
Here's what I did...
I was going out of my mind just not moving and waiting two minutes to move about a feet ahead, and suddenly it occured to me: KNIT! It took a bit of the edge off, but it was still frustrating to be on the road for about two hours and a half for what usually takes a half hour to drive. Oh well, the joys of living in Canada I guess...

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Sophie's new hoodie

Here's Sophie's new hoodie. She fought with it a bit at first, but seems to like it now.
My knitting is not back to full swing yet. Although my fingers are still hurting, I try to knit for as long as I can tolerate each day. I believe exercise does help the sore fingers. I've been working on a "skinny scarf" for my niece.