Sunday, March 29, 2009

Another felting attempt...

After a few unsuccesful felting attemps, I have yet tried it again. This time, I thought I'd try a simple bag. "How badly can you mess that?", I asked myself. So here I am knitting a large rectangle, and a band to use as the strap.

Felt in hot water and a spin in the dryer, and you get this...

a bag with a very long strap.
Is it me, or is felting that unpredictable?


Necromandrea said...

Maybe try hand felting? I wonder if your dryer has hot spots that's making your stuff not felt evenly.

lu rogeria maravilhas do trico said...

Wanted I was magic with its blog, you he is a wonderful craftsman, and as its wonderful wools are namorei they for its blog Brazilian kisses l