Monday, June 26, 2006

New Socks That Rock yarn

After a great first day at my new job, I get home and find this in my mailbox. What more could I ask for?

Sorry socks, not much knitting tonight, I'm pooped!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

New job, Socks That Rock, and garden pictures...

Don't you just love it when you get a job interview on Thursday, and get a call on Friday to start work on Monday? Yes, it did happen to me! I was hoping to get a week off to get a few things done, such as changing to my summer tires (yes, I do know it's almost July soon). At least I know I can look back, and not regret what I've done with my time off. I went to St Louis to see Cinder, the hairless chimpanzee, I went to Dominican Republic, did plenty of knitting, and started this blog (which I intend on still updating, even when I'll be busy, just not at the same pace), visited historic houses in the city, went to museums when it's not busy and truly took my time to appreciate the artwork, read books I had started but never finished. Yup, I'm ready for this new challenge!

This week, I almost finished knitting a pair of socks with my Socks That Rock yarn. This yarn knits up real well, and almost has a stretch to it, once knitted. I think these will go to my sister for Christmas, as she hinted she really likes this yarn. I might also buy her a few skeins, but with two kids, she has less time than I do to knit, or crochet ( we learned to crochet, and knit at the same time when we were kids, but I always preferred knitting).

Leaving you with a few pics that were taken in the Yo-Yo Ma Bach Music Garden around Harbourfront. I love walking around there. It almost makes you forget you're in the middle of the city...

Sunday, June 18, 2006


The weather was warm, the water was cool...
What more could you want?

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Koigu socks done!

My Koigu socks are done, and I couldn't be happier with the colors. Even the concrete bunny that moved in my lavender patch (still waiting for first and last month rent cheque, by the way, Mr. Bunny!) can't believe the colors, and scratches his head (mind you, with his backpaws)! I would certainly not hesitate to buy this yarn again, and I can't wait to see if the colors are still as "punchy" after a run or two in the washer.

Next project? Well socks, of course! I'm just dying to try my Socks That Rock yarn, not to mention that I ordered another two skeins of two different colors.

Love my air conditionning today!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Koigu socks progress

This is the sock I had to start over. I had under-estimated the width of my foot, and ankle, thus making it kinda snug all around. Nevertheless, I still love the colorways, and it's taking me a bit longer to knit because I keep stopping to admire the colors.
I have noticed a change in my knitting habits and/or philosophy since I'm not working. Knitting used to be a way for me to relax, to get rid of the stress after a long day at work. I preferred uncomplicated and rather quick projects, without much caring about the yarn type or color. A plain scarf in one color was my favorite thing to knit, and I knitted plenty for a local women's shelter.
These days, I am more attracted to (or at least I like to think I do) slightly more complicated projects, or stitches (yes, I know my last and current socks were as basic as it gets). I've also noticed that I tend to appreciate the yarn color and texture a lot more than I used to. I'm not as concerned about the quantity of knitting I get done, as much as the quality of my knitting. In general, I enjoy my knitting a lot more, and get more satisfaction out of it

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

They're done!

I have finally completed the Parade socks in Checkers! They're a bit big on me, which means it will fit the recipient perfectly! She'll have nice warm toes on Christmas Eve (hint: French Canadians open their gifts on Christmas Eve, so sorry Sandra, they're not for you).

I have also completed Sophie's blanket, but unfortunately she wasn't quite in the mood for posing, resulting in a poor quality picture. You can see a bit of the texture towards the bottom of the image, but that's about it.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Socks that Rock yarn is here!

On Friday, I received my Socks that Rock yarn, and decided on the spot this will make amazing socks for MOI! I just love that yarn and the colors just rock.
I got really jealous of Kenny's swift and ball winder, so I started looking on the net for some. I found this amazing winder made out of LEGO! What an awsome idea! I might build my own if I don't find one at a reasonable price.
Oh and by the way, Chihuahuas Rock too!